Why am I a Christian Scientist?
Published March 15, 2022

“Because my parents are Christian Scientists.”

No doubt this would have been my unapologetic and occasionally snarky response much of the time when I was a kid if asked this question. However, I occasionally also had softer moments while growing up that may have engendered something more along the lines of, “Because I feel like God loves me and Christian Science helps me see that.” And, I would have meant what I said.

By the time I reached my later 20s, my response would likely have been, “I’m not so sure I consider myself to be a Christian Scientist.” Now, however, after years of searching elsewhere and finding only less than satisfactory answers to life’s questions and little respite from life’s challenges I have come back to Christian Science and am clear about reasons why. Here are three that come to mind.

The realization that everything good in my life has all come from one source.

Like most anyone, I’ve had experiences of joy, love, peace, clarity, abundance, health, beauty, inspiration, strength etc. occur in my life at various times and in various levels of intensity – sometimes more than others. What struck me though, once I really began to study Christian Science again, was the realization that whether these experiences of good come from listening to music, or being in the wilderness, laughter or hugs, or the smile of a stranger on the street, all of good is an extension of spiritual ideas; of Soul, Truth, Love, Spirit and Mind.

These qualities are are among the seven synonyms the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, uses to define God. Because of my study of Christian Science God is no longer abstract to me. I have gained a truly tangible understanding of who God is and how he is the source of all the good in my life. Because of this I can see that if I want to have more good in my life I can spend more time focusing on and getting to know the source of that good, rather than being distracted by what I don’t want more of. I’ve also become more alert to not being drawn into pursuits that, at the outset, may seem intriguing or tempting but are only temporarily satisfying and are not truly, deeply fulfilling. It’s amazing the difference.

Christian Science is always accessible, applicable and dependable.

There’s a good reason why Mary Baker Eddy chose to characterize her discovery by using the term “science”. Like anything that is described as science, Christian Science identifies demonstrable and repeatable laws. This particular science identifies spiritual laws which are the same ones used by Jesus and the disciples to heal. These metaphysical laws supersede what one typically experiences physically in day to day life. As I have learned more and more about these laws, I have been able to turn to these laws and find healing in many different situations and find that in any situation you can possibly fathom, there is an answer available to you. From a physical injury or an ailment, a tricky relationship with others or yourself, challenging times in your community, the world, the environment, your sense of your history or past and any mental or emotional baggage you may carry, every single aspect of the human experience can be blessed and healed by realizing the active presence and power of these laws in your life.

The reward is worth the struggle.

Because no matter where I am in my life experience, those laws of God are always in operation and I know that I can turn to them for help. I can start with the smallest inkling of inspiration and feel how it is held by that structure of law. Sometimes a challenge or struggle may seem utterly insurmountable and all you want to do is give up. However, if you persevere, you will find healing and what you gain in understanding from that experience is priceless.

– A.P.A., Tenth Church Member


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The mission of Straight from the Rock is to provide an online location for the Tenth Church Community – members, friends, spiritual seekers – to share and explore ideas and experiences directly related to the practice of Christian Science. Comments will be moderated.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you, A.P.A., for this telling of your journey with Christian Science. Mine was somewhat similar but today I am especially grateful to read your account with my own grown children in mind. Of my three I would say 1 1/2 are still involved with Christian Science. I know it is always there for all of them and that Truth never fades or loses its value.


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