Opportunities for Youth

Sunday School  +  Friendships  +  Education  +  Leadership  +  Adventure

“Sunday School is where you first learn to start analyzing your thought. It establishes a very profound and powerful way to live.” – L.P.

“In Sunday school, I learned how natural it was to love God and learning about the seven synonyms for God made God so big and yet more understandable and near. Also learned that God loved me, mine, and all.” – S.R.

“At a young age, my Sunday School teacher had us memorize a quote from Mary Baker Eddy, “Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts.”. This sentence has stayed with me and been an enormous help at hand throughout my life since.” – S.H.

Does your child, niece, nephew or young neighbor treat others with kindness?
Do they have a strong moral compass and a sense of who God is?
Do they move forward into their day with confidence and love?
Do they know how to act in the face of conflict?

In our Sunday School, kids and teens learn that God’s love, protection and guidance is available to EVERYONE, at all times, under all circumstances.

What is taught in a Christian Science Sunday School?

The Bible-based teachings in our Sunday School classes focus on the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Christian Science Weekly Bible Lesson.

Students learn how to practically apply to their own lives the values, profound life-lessons and examples of courage, humility, humanity and trust in God illustrated in the Bible and demonstrated by Jesus and his followers – how to love others unconditionally, how to be victorious over fear and temptation, how to heal.

They learn about the seven synonyms of God – Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, Truth and Love and how God’s goodness and healing power is dependable and available to them everywhere, at all times, under all circumstances.

Our Sunday School classes are available to all children and teenagers in the community ages 3 to 20 as well as online.

Sunday School is held from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., Pacific, every Sunday.

Child Care

Child Care is offered for those too young to participate in our services or Sunday School (ages 3 to 20) and is also provided during the Wednesday Testimony Meeting.

Have Questions?

We’d love to hear from you!

Need more information about Sunday School or know someone who might be interested in visiting?  Contact our Sunday School Superinendent by using this form.

Whether it’s just for one Sunday or many, all are welcome!

9 + 5 =

A World of Opportunity Awaits Students of the Tenth Church Sunday School

Adventure, leadership, learning and challenge.

Children and teens who attend our Sunday school have many additional opportunities open to them through Chrisitan Science organizations. They range from adventure camps to educational opportunities and leadership programs. These organizations place the values and practice of Christian Science as their bedrock and we consider them a part of the Tenth Church extended community.

For more information about Christian Science youth organizations, explore the links below.